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Quik is the recognised brand for all Consolidated Travel proprietary technology built and managed by its own internal Information Technology department.

This gives us a unique edge to tap into the real life experiences of seasoned operational professionals to build and refine our technology to withstand the test of time.


Quiktravel is a one-stop secure website for agents to access the industry leading fare search engine, Quikfares and ticketing engine, Quikticket as well as other productive tools to empower agents to process and manage their airfare bookings.

Quiktravel is also offered as a B2B2B service featuring a fully hosted, feature rich, white label solution for consolidators or wholesale groups wanting to provide their own travel agents with the latest fares and ticketing technology. 




Quikticket is an intelligent web based system which communicates with Sabre, Amadeus and Travelport to allow travel agents to effortlessly issue NDC or GDS tickets online. Behind a sophisticated back-end is an easy to follow user interface or API designed to make the process as quick, efficient and effortless as possible.


We're here to help

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Access the facilities of Australia's largest privately owned airline wholesaler, Consolidated Travel.

For details on how to reach us... Contact Us.